There, she was able to take some food and wear clothes which would enable her to blend in during her time on Earth.

She then found the Royal Estates and sneaked into the bungalows.

Medusa attempted to find her way in Waikiki Beach, unsuccessfully trying to withdraw some money in an ATM. "What's going on? Who's in that helicopter? Who are you?" Maximus favored going to Earth and conquering it while Black Bolt favored staying on the moon. This revelation led to a heated debate between Maximus and the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family as realistically Attilan could not support a growing population. Black Bolt had sent Triton to bring these new Inhumans back to Attilan. Something was now causing these genes to activate and give these descendants powers however, this was often met with violence. It was here that Medusa was informed by Black Bolt of an Inhuman Outbreak on Earth: Inhumans who stayed behind on Earth when much of the Inhuman population fled to the Moon had descendants with dormant Inhuman genes. Later at dinner, Medusa was informed of the apparent demise of her cousin Triton. Bronaja recovered but he told Maximus that "snakes had him pinned against a wall". However, when Maximus touched him in an act of reassurance, this caused Bronaja to collapse on the ground and his eyes to go completely white. Iridia emerged with butterfly-like wings and Bronaja at first appeared to manifested no ability. At one of these ceremonies, Bronaja and his sister Iridia went through Terrigenesis. One of those duties was overseeing the Terrigenesis ceremony. Many years after her marriage to Black Bolt, Medusa ruled alongside him as Queen of Attilan, doing so required many responsibilities and duties.
This closeness eventually developed into a romance and then into marriage. They developed their own sign language and became very close. So instead of gloating, she befriended the silent king. While she actually went there to gloat about the deaths of Agon and Rynda as they had effectively made her an orphan, she saw pain in Black Bolt's eyes, the same pain she felt after her parents' death. Shortly after Black Bolt accidentally killed his parents, Medusa went to visit him in the Quiet Room, telling him that everyone in Attilan feared him but she did not. "I know everyone's afraid of you, but I'm not." ―Medusa to Black Bolt